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So, instead of doing work assignments like i good girl, just spent about half an hour on artrage, making this blog picture, for my first ever blog post. I decided that i will be using this website for all things creative outletty, i will be posting artwork which i will add to my shop, updating my blog on anything that kind of interests me, kind of like a personal one. Also, i am hoping to start getting back in to creative writing again, i have a work in progress page on this site, which will be just for that. I have a good track record of not keeping things up, so this time i really would like to make it work, and not put too much pressure on myself. Because, ultimately i would to do this for fun, and maybe one day it might lead to something much bigger, who knows.

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Soooo, i haven't really made a blog post at all this year. I am good at saying that i will make some, then do the whole abandon thing. When the year started i stood in cat shit when the clock struck

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